Hamper Donations 2021
2021 is 73 days old and we have received 37 hamper requests during this time. That works out that a hamper is being requested roughly every 2 days. Thank you to everyone who has spread the word about our Foundation as we want to reach and support as many people as possible, to make someones Cancer journey that little bit easier.
Each of our hampers are personalised and contains items worth upwards of £80. We beautifully wrap up the Hampers so that they will truly bring a smile to someones face during a difficult time in their lives. Our hampers are provided free of charge to anyone starting Cancer treatment and who live in Staffordshire.
If you would like to request a hamper, please CLICK HERE
2021 is set to be our busiest on record and we are so thankful for all you continued support.
Its a “Thumbs up” from Brenda who has recently received one of our free Care Hampers.
Good luck!